电脑、手机互传文件的简单方法:开源软件 qrcp
在电脑上安装一个软件,它会电脑上开启一个 http web server,通过这个 server 同局域网内的电脑和手机就可以通过手机扫码快速互传文件
此类软件较多,本文 海云青飞 推荐的是运行效率较高的 Go 语言静态编译版本:GitHub - claudiodangelis/qrcp: :zap: Transfer files over wifi from your computer to your mobile device by scanning a QR code without leaving the terminal.
下载安装电脑、手机互传文件的软件 qrcp
Windows 下,建议用 scoop 安装,更方便
scoop install qrcp
电脑、手机互传文件的软件 qrcp 的命令行参数
$ qrcp --help
qrcp [flags]
qrcp [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate completion script
config Configure qrcp
help Help about any command
receive Receive one or more files
send Send a file(s) or directories from this host
version Print version number and build information.
--bind string address to bind the web server to
-b, --browser display the QR code in a browser window
-c, --config string path to the config file, defaults to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/qrcp/config.json
-d, --fqdn string fully-qualified domain name to use for the resulting URLs
-h, --help help for qrcp
-i, --interface string network interface to use for the server
-k, --keep-alive keep server alive after transferring
-l, --list-all-interfaces list all available interfaces when choosing the one to use
--path string path to use. Defaults to a random string
-p, --port int port to use for the server
-q, --quiet only print errors
-r, --reversed Reverse QR code (black text on white background)
-s, --secure use https connection
--tls-cert string path to TLS certificate to use with HTTPS
--tls-key string path to TLS private key to use with HTTPS
-z, --zip zip content before transferring
Use "qrcp [command] --help" for more information about a command.
qrcp --list-all-interfaces --keep-alive myphoto.jpeg
这时屏幕上会显示二维码,手机扫码,点击页面中的 Open
如果指定多个个文件,或者指定一个目录,会自动打包成 zip 格式。手机上下载后,如果是图片,可以解压到 DCIM 目录下
qrcp --list-all-interfaces --keep-alive --zip video.mp4
qrcp --list-all-interfaces --keep-alive receive
备注:手机上可以下载一个专门用来扫描二维码的小软件,可在应用市场搜索 qr scan