
今天,海云青飞 需要从命令行调用两个程序,一个程序有输出信息


我并没有时间去详细研究计算机技术,这没有关系,因为现在有了 AI

先上结论,后面再放出 AI 给出的详细方案

我在 Windows 上安装了 Msys2,因此,对我来说以下命令通用于 Windows 和 Linux 系统

  • Windows 系统,让 .sh 文件关联到 sh.exe

    也就是,我们点击 .sh 后缀文件时,让 Msys2 中的 sh.exe 打开它。这样做的效果就是,我们点击 .sh 文件就会自动执行其中的命令

  • 创建文件 run_two_programs.sh


    cd ~/tuenhai.com/software/program2
    ./good_program -c config.json &
    # sudo 表示申请管理员权限
    sudo ~/tuenhai.com/program1 &

海云青飞 问 AI 如何同时调用二个命令行程序

海云青飞 问 ChatGPT 4o mini:

Is there a way to call two programs from the command line in Linux and keep them running? I can open two terminal windows to call them, but that's not a good idea. It would be better if I could do this in a bash script or use a small program

ChatGPT 4o mini 的回复

Yes, you can definitely run multiple programs from a single command line or script and keep them running in the background. Here are a few methods you can use:

Using & to Run Programs in the Background

You can run two programs simultaneously by appending & to each command. This will start each program in the background:

./program1 &
./program2 &

In this example, program1 and program2 will start running in the background. The & symbol makes the shell run the command in the background, allowing you to continue using the terminal or run additional commands

Using nohup to Keep Programs Running After Logout

If you want the programs to keep running even after you log out of the terminal, you can use nohup:

nohup ./program1 > program1.log 2>&1 &
nohup ./program2 > program2.log 2>&1 &

The nohup command stands for "no hang up," and it prevents the program from being terminated when the terminal session ends. The > program1.log 2>&1 part redirects both the standard output and error output to a log file

Using a Bash Script

You can put the above commands into a bash script file. Create a file named run_programs.sh with the following content:


# Run programs in the background
./program1 &
./program2 &

Make the script executable:

chmod +x run_programs.sh

Then run your script:


Using tmux or screen

If you want to run programs in separate sessions within the same terminal window, you can use tmux or screen

With tmux:

  1. Start a new tmux session:

  2. Split the terminal into two panes (Ctrl-b, then % for vertical split or " for horizontal split)

  3. Run your programs in each pane

  4. Detach from the tmux session (Ctrl-b, then d). The programs will continue running

With screen:

  1. Start a new screen session:

  2. Start your first program

  3. Create a new window (Ctrl-a, then c) and start your second program

  4. Detach from the screen session (Ctrl-a, then d). The programs will continue running

Using systemd Service (Advanced)

If you need the programs to start automatically on boot or as a service, you can create systemd service files. This is more advanced and useful for long-running services

  1. Create a service file in /etc/systemd/system/ like myprogram1.service:

    Description=My Program 1
  2. Enable and start the service:

    sudo systemctl enable myprogram1.service
    sudo systemctl start myprogram1.service

Repeat for other programs as needed

Choose the method that best fits your needs! If you need further help, feel free to ask


