海云青飞 推荐的软件、服务
- VS Code 编辑器
- startPage 搜索
- Lossless Cut 视频编辑
- Umi-OCR:开源、免费的离线OCR软件,不支持输出 .md
- YoutubeDownloader, 可 scoop 安装
- Msys2 在 Windows 上运行 Linux 软件
- scoop,用于安装各种 portable 软件
- Windows Terminal
- Q-Dir: 文件夹管理器,可从命令行同时打开多个目录
Android phone
- Duo Mobile (Two-Factor authentication)
Linux Commands
Update nginx/sites-avaliable/site: sudo wget -O site https://cba.com/site
(May lose characters if paste is used),then nginx -s reload
vi delete all lines: ggdG
tail -f log/access.log
(watch log file in real time)
:g/Bot\|pider\|rawler\|bot\/\|bot\"\|bot\-\|\.php\| 404 /d
(Remove lines matching a pattrn in web log file)
VS Code
VS Code navigate back to the last cursor position ALT + ←
Open user settings.json file: Ctrl + Shift + P
, type in "open user settings"
The regular expression [一-龥] matches any Chinese character
Use this regex ^(?!/)(?!/*).[一-龥] in Visual Studio to ignore lines that start with / or //
Git commands
git pull origin master
git add -A
git commit -m ""
git push origin master
git restore file (discard local changes)
git mv fileA fileB